The Skriker

Actors in The Skriker.



Role: Director

Written by Caryl Churchill
Directed by Lisa Channer
University of Minnesota, Stoll Thrust Theatre

  • Nathan Aastuen

    Brooke Bestul

    Abram Blitz

    Alex Church

    Killian Coffinet-Crean

    Haley Dale

    Isabel Enns

    Amber Frederick

    Lydia French

    Bradley Johnson

    Stephanie Kahle

    Noah Keating

    Patrick Kennedy

    Emma Kessler

    Hannah Leatherbarrow

    Waverly McCollum

    Natalee Merola

    Persephone Mo

    Jacob Preisler

    Cole Seager

    Henry Sillman

    Gracie Stockton

    Nan Zhang

  • Set Design — Safa Sarvestani

    Costumes Design — Ani Mosity

    Light Design — Matthew Gawryk

    Sound Design — Julie Zumsteg

    Dramaturg — Michael Valdez

    Choreography — Scott Stafford and Lisa Channer

    Music Composition — Wesley Hortenbach

    Stage Manger — Sarah Hasker

    Puppet Design — Robert McGrady

    Assistant Directors — Nathan Aastuen, Mel Fellows, Robert McGrad

Production photos by Dan Norman. Promo video by Theatre Arts and Dance UMN.


The Skriker blends Irish and English folktales with a non-linear structure to tell the story of an ancient fairy pursuing two young women in 20th century London. A stunningly imaginative play about the consequences humans must face when we exploit the natural world.




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